Any relationship takes time, energy and effort if it is a priority. Throw in health challenges, lifestyle overhauls and weight loss surgery, and relationships can end up taking a backseat. At Roller Weight Loss & Advanced Surgery, we offer, and strongly encourage, support groups to transition our patients through this process.

Family members and spouses are critical components of the patient’s support system and overall success and well-being. We recommend inviting your spouse, friend or family member to your appointments so they can learn about the journey at the same time you are. The weight-loss surgery journey is a life-changing event and one of the most profound changes in our lives. Proper nutrition and following an exercise regimen can be challenging, but the most significant adjustment is the way people may treat patients differently after weight loss surgery.

Relationships evolve over time, and the goal is to grow at the same rate and in the same direction. Even though life may have been hard in many ways before surgery, leaving old habits behind can be stressful and challenging. This stress can be a threat as well as an opportunity. The following relationships are most commonly affected by weight-loss surgery: self, spouse or significant other, parents, children, siblings, coworkers, longtime friends, strangers and your surgeon.

Remember that first and foremost, you must be at peace with yourself. Boundary issues can sneak into any relationship. Patience is probably the most useful tool we have. Remain kind, stay engaged and stay connected with all of your supporters. Time changes everything, and most difficulties will adjust and even resolve themselves if you give them time. Stay positive and keep an open door with your surgeon. Your good relationships will still be there, stronger for the challenge.

At Roller Weight Loss & Advanced Surgery, we are your biggest champions. We want you to thrive after surgery. We provide many resources for our patients to help them transition with life after surgery. For more information, call or visit us today.

Support Groups

  • Fayetteville – Fourth Tuesday of each month from 6-7 p.m.
  • Fort Smith – Second Tuesday of each month from 6-7 p.m.
  • All seminars are held at our office in either Fayetteville or Fort Smith.



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The seminar will provide you with pertinent information about your weight loss surgery options, what to expect after surgery, insurance information, and how the surgeons and bariatric surgery experts at Roller Weight Loss and Advanced Surgery can help you. 

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